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Learn from the Master: Scott Waddell's Portrait Painting Demonstration

Scott Waddell - A Portrait Painting Demonstration

If you are interested in learning how to paint realistic portraits, you might want to watch Scott Waddell's portrait painting demonstration. Scott Waddell is a contemporary realist painter who specializes in portraits and figurative works. He has a unique form-based approach to painting that combines classical techniques with modern concepts.

Scott Waddell - A Portrait Painting Demonstration

Who is Scott Waddell?

Scott Waddell was born in 1974 in Connecticut, USA. He studied art at the Lyme Academy College of Fine Arts and the Florence Academy of Art. He also received a Master of Fine Arts degree from Florida State University. He has exhibited his paintings in various galleries and museums across the USA and Europe. He has also won several awards and honors for his work, such as the Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation Grant and the Portrait Society of America Certificate of Excellence.

Scott Waddell is known for his realistic and expressive portraits that capture the personality and emotion of his subjects. He uses a form-based approach to painting that focuses on the three-dimensional structure and light effects of the human figure. He also uses a limited palette of colors that creates a harmonious and naturalistic effect. He works from life as well as from photographs, depending on the situation and the project.

What is Scott Waddell's portrait painting demonstration?

Scott Waddell's portrait painting demonstration is a video tutorial that shows his personal process of creating a portrait painting from start to finish. The video is about 2.5 hours long and covers every step of the process, such as drawing, color study, underpainting and form painting. The video is fully narrated by Scott Waddell, who explains his thoughts and decisions as he paints.

The video also comes with a special featurette that gives a concise overview of Scott Waddell's setup, concepts, process and technique. The featurette is about 24 minutes long and covers topics such as painting subforms, mixing flesh tones and other helpful painting tips. The video also comes with a course guide that has an illustrated glossary, a transcript of the featurette, a materials list, a photo of the model and an image of Scott Waddell's palette.

The video is available for download from Scott Waddell's website for $45. However, for a limited time, you can watch it for free on Muddy Colors, a blog dedicated to fantasy art and illustration. You can also find other videos by Scott Waddell on his website or his YouTube channel.

What are some examples of Scott Waddell's paintings?

Scott Waddell has painted many portraits and figurative works that showcase his skill and style. You can find some examples of his paintings on his website or his Instagram account. Some of his paintings are:

- The Artist's Wife: A portrait of Scott Waddell's wife, who is also an artist. The painting shows her holding a palette and a brush, looking at the viewer with a calm and confident expression. The painting has a warm and harmonious color scheme and a soft and smooth texture.

- The Blue Dress: A portrait of a young woman wearing a blue dress and a pearl necklace. The painting captures the light and shadow effects on her face and dress, creating a sense of volume and realism. The painting also has a contrast between the cool and warm colors and the sharp and blurry edges.

- The Laughing Man: A portrait of a man with a beard and glasses, laughing out loud. The painting shows the expression and emotion of the subject, as well as the details of his facial features and hair. The painting has a vibrant and lively color scheme and a dynamic and energetic brushwork.

What are some benefits of watching Scott Waddell's portrait painting demonstration?

Watching Scott Waddell's portrait painting demonstration can help you improve your own portrait painting skills and knowledge. You can learn from his form-based approach to painting, which focuses on the three-dimensional structure and light effects of the human figure. You can also learn from his color mixing techniques, which create naturalistic and harmonious flesh tones.

Watching Scott Waddell's portrait painting demonstration can also inspire you to create your own portraits with more realism and expression. You can see how he captures the personality and emotion of his subjects, as well as the details and nuances of their features. You can also see how he uses his own style and vision to create unique and original paintings.

How to apply Scott Waddell's portrait painting techniques to your own paintings?

If you want to apply Scott Waddell's portrait painting techniques to your own paintings, you might want to follow some of these tips:

- Set up your model and lighting carefully. Choose a pose and an expression that suit your subject and your concept. Use a single light source that creates a clear and consistent light and shadow pattern on the face and the body.

- Draw your subject accurately and proportionally. Use a grid or a sight-size method to measure and compare the distances and angles of the features. Use straight lines and simple shapes to construct the form and the perspective of the head.

- Paint a color study before painting the final portrait. Use a small canvas and a limited palette to create a quick and rough painting that captures the main values and colors of the subject. Use this study as a reference for your final painting.

- Paint in stages and layers. Start with an underpainting that establishes the value structure and the drawing of the subject. Then, paint over it with thin layers of color that create the flesh tones and the temperature variations. Finally, paint the details and the highlights with thicker and more opaque paint.

- Paint subforms within forms. Break down the large forms of the face and the body into smaller forms that have their own light and shadow effects. Paint each subform as a separate unit, blending it with the adjacent subforms.

What are some challenges and opportunities of painting portraits like Scott Waddell?

Painting portraits like Scott Waddell is not an easy task. It requires a lot of observation, skill, patience and practice to paint realistic and expressive portraits. It also requires a lot of knowledge, understanding and application of the principles of form, light, color and anatomy.

However, painting portraits like Scott Waddell also has some benefits and opportunities. It can be a way of expressing your artistic vision and voice through your portraits. It can also be a way of connecting with your subjects and your viewers on an emotional and personal level. It can also be a way of challenging yourself and improving your painting skills.

What are some resources and references for learning more about Scott Waddell and his portrait painting techniques?

If you want to learn more about Scott Waddell and his portrait painting techniques, you might want to check out some of these resources and references:

- Scott Waddell's website: This is the official website of Scott Waddell, where you can find his portfolio, biography, blog, videos, courses and online mentoring. You can also contact him and sign up for his newsletter.

- Scott Waddell's YouTube channel: This is the official YouTube channel of Scott Waddell, where you can find his free videos, previews, trailers and interviews. You can also subscribe to his channel and leave comments and questions.

- Scott Waddell's Instagram account: This is the official Instagram account of Scott Waddell, where you can see his latest paintings, sketches, studies and works in progress. You can also follow him and like and comment on his posts.

- Muddy Colors: This is a blog dedicated to fantasy art and illustration, where you can find Scott Waddell's portrait painting demonstration for free for a limited time. You can also find other articles, videos and podcasts by various artists and professionals in the field.

How to write a review of Scott Waddell's portrait painting demonstration?

If you want to write a review of Scott Waddell's portrait painting demonstration, you might want to follow some of these steps:

- Watch the video carefully and take notes of the main points, techniques, tips and examples that Scott Waddell shares.

- Write an introduction that gives some background information about Scott Waddell, his style, his approach and his video.

- Write a body that evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of the video, such as the content, the presentation, the narration, the quality and the length. Give examples and evidence from the video to support your points.

- Write a conclusion that summarizes your overall opinion and rating of the video. Give a recommendation or a suggestion based on your criteria and expectations.

- Proofread and edit your review for grammar, spelling, punctuation and clarity.

What are some tips and tricks for painting portraits like Scott Waddell?

If you want to paint portraits like Scott Waddell, you might want to follow some of these tips and tricks:

- Use a mirror or a camera to check your painting for accuracy and mistakes. Compare your painting with the model or the photo from different angles and distances. Look for any discrepancies or distortions in the drawing, the values or the colors.

- Use a color checker or a value scale to measure and compare the colors and values of your subject. Hold the color checker or the value scale next to the subject and match the colors and values as closely as possible. Use these tools to adjust your mixtures and your painting accordingly.

- Use a mahlstick or a bridge to steady your hand and avoid smudging your painting. A mahlstick is a long stick with a padded end that you can rest on the edge of your canvas or easel. A bridge is a wooden or metal device that you can place over your painting and rest your hand on it.

- Use a palette knife or a brush to scrape off any excess or unwanted paint from your painting. This can help you create sharp edges, smooth transitions, clean colors and interesting textures. Be careful not to damage or remove any paint that you want to keep.

What are some common mistakes and challenges that portrait painters face and how to avoid or overcome them?

Some of the common mistakes and challenges that portrait painters face are:

- Painting too dark or too light. This can make your portrait look flat, dull or unnatural. To avoid this, use a value scale to measure and compare the values of your subject and your painting. Make sure you have a good balance of light and dark values that create contrast and depth.

- Painting too warm or too cool. This can make your portrait look unrealistic, unharmonious or unhealthy. To avoid this, use a color checker to measure and compare the colors of your subject and your painting. Make sure you have a good balance of warm and cool colors that create temperature variations and mood.

- Painting too tight or too loose. This can make your portrait look stiff, lifeless or messy. To avoid this, use a variety of brushes and strokes that suit the size and shape of the forms you are painting. Make sure you have a good balance of detail and simplicity that create interest and expression.


Scott Waddell is a contemporary realist painter who specializes in portraits and figurative works. He has a unique form-based approach to painting that combines classical techniques with modern concepts. He has created a portrait painting demonstration that shows his personal process of creating a portrait painting from start to finish.

Scott Waddell's portrait painting demonstration is a video tutorial that covers every step of the process, such as drawing, color study, underpainting and form painting. The video is fully narrated by Scott Waddell, who explains his thoughts and decisions as he paints. The video also comes with a featurette, a course guide and some bonus demonstrations.

Scott Waddell's portrait painting demonstration can help you improve your own portrait painting skills and knowledge. You can learn from his form-based approach to painting, his color mixing techniques, his tips and tricks and his examples. You can also apply his techniques to your own paintings and create realistic and expressive portraits. b99f773239


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